Meet Rafael

Trujillo Family

Rialto has been hit hard by the COVID-19 Pandemic.  Rafael pushed through a series of measures to help our residents stay healthy, survive the economic downfall, and get back to work safely.

Even before the Pandemic, all eyes were on Rialto because Rafael is making Rialto a city to live, work, and play. Rafael gave police and fire the resources and personnel to keep us safe, brought your favorite store brands for you to shop right here in Rialto--creating thousands of local jobs in the process, and built quality parks for the whole family to enjoy.

Councilmember Rafael Trujillo Brings Leadership You Can Count on for Rialto

This election is about leadership moving us forward together during the Pandemic.  During the Pandemic, Rafael helped Rialto residents secure:

  • Protective measures at local grocery stores & pharmacies (Rialto City Council Meeting 5/12/20)
  • Free masks for senior citizens on fixed incomes (Rialto Record 6/4/20)
  • Rental Assistance (Rialto City Council Meeting 6/23/20)
  • Utilities Assistance & halt water service disconnections (Rialto City Council Meetings 6/23/20 & 3/12/20)
  • Workforce training to get back to work (Rialto City Council Meeting 6/23/20)
  • Improved wrap-around services for Rialto’s homeless (Rialto City Council Meeting 5/7/20)
  • Local scholarships & community programs protected from elimination (Rialto City Council Meeting 6/9/20)
  • Resource information in the Rialto Progress Magazine (Rialto City Council Meeting 3/12/20)

Even before the Pandemic, Councilmember Rafael Trujillo has led the city through some important initiatives:

  • pushed through the Renaissance, Cedar Hill Plaza, and other retail for Rialto
  • provided housing opportunities for first-time home buyers
  • brought veterans preference to Rialto's hiring practices
  • built First Station 5, Sampson Park, and additions to Frisbie Park for our families

Councilmember Rafael Trujillo also represents Rialto as a member of the San Bernardino County Committee on School District Organization.  He previously served two terms on the West Valley Water District and on the City of Rialto Parks and Recreation Commission.  He also served as President of the Elm Park Homeowners Association and its neighborhood watch.

Rafael lives in Rialto with his wife, Mirella, and his two young daughters, Catherine Helena and Elizabeth Jane.

Contribute Today

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